Monday, 18 March 2013

Design of the Week (No.12)

Stir-ring my imagination this week is:

(No.12) Fred and Friends Mr. Tea Infuser

This week I begin my look at tea infusers. For a product that you would have thought had become somewhat redundant since the introduction of the teabag, there are a remarkable number of designs on the market. And not only that, there are some really quirky and, dare I say, outlandish, designs! So much so that I suspect this won't be the first tea infuser making it into design of the week.

To kick things off, I bring you the 'Mr.Tea' Infuser (no relation to the ex-special forces, Mandinka hair-styled, plane fearing, 80's tough guy!). 

This little dude sits on the side of your tea cup / mug and infuses boiled water through his pants! An extraordinary talent, I hope you'll agree! I love the way he's posed so that he looks comfortable both inside the cup and slumped up against the outside of the cup. It's enough to make me want to buy my tea loose! 

Mr.Tea retails around £7. I want one :-)

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